Emerald Lotus Crystal Healing Sanctuary & Spiritual Growth Academy
St. Germaine, The Violet Flame and more. Rev. CarLa Gitto
REIKI Level One
What is Reiki ?
An ancient healing technique, channeling universal life force energy throught the hands.
"The laying on of hands"
Who is this for?
Anyone who is ready and feels the calling to recieve the gift
healing hands
What does the word REIKI mean
Universal life force energy. our world in which we live and experience life is fulled with in exhaustible energy. This very energy keep usa alive and the world in motion. Reiki a natural healing energy.
What is the origin of the word?
Japanese word
Rei means universal life energy
Ki a part of Rei flowing through everything alive including our own indivual vital life force energy.​​
What are other definitions of Ki
Known to Christians as light.
Known to Chinese as chi.
Known to Hindus as Prana.
Known to Kahunas as Mana.
It is also called
Bioplasma or cosmic energy.
When was Reiki discovered
and by whom
Discoverd in Japan in the 19th century by a Christian monk named Dr. Mikao Usui.
Usui found evidence of it existent in 2500 year old Sanskrit Documents written by a disiples of Buddha.
When did Reiki become introduced in the USA?
1937 Ms Talata opens her first healing clinic in Kappa Hawaii after recieving
Reiki II from Hayashi 1938 Hayashi annouces Mrs Takata as Reiki Mastet and his
IS Reiki Religous
No, it is a nondimination practice anyone can use, Christian are drawning nearer to reiki as it is, the closest example of Jesus healing practice.
Why In-person and Virtual?
Some clients live across the globe and some perfer on-line or cannot travel.
When does Class Start?
Starts: Saturday August 24, 2024
at 10am to 7pm
Resumes: Sunday August 25,2024
at 10am end 7pm
Meets every Sunday
9/1 to 9/29 10am
What are the Requirements?
None, have an open heart and mind. Have the intention to recieve the gift of REIKI. Be willing to do the course work.
Important to know
At the end of the two days no one will recieve their Reiki Certificate. Class will continuew to meet every Sunday starting 9/1/2024 to completion on 9/29/2024
10pm for 1hr 30 min to 2 hours.
You are adding a beautiful and sacred healing modality to your lifestyle.
This will be a REIKI class like no other.
Thank you for your love and trust.
I am so grateful to be apart of your personal and spiritual growth journey. I am dedicated to you, your hart, your soul and your spirit. Most importantly I am devoted to your evolution an the evolution of humanity. As a luminary I vow to bring the purest love and light to you and the world working for the Ascended Master, Mineral kingdom, the Lemurian light counsel, Galactic federation and the entire spiritual hierarchy in all I do