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8 Week Violet Flame Journey
Awaken Ignite Embody 

Transmute Transform Transcend Alchemize

Transmute lower vibrational frequency to higher light frequency of light and love. Collapse healing time around drama and trauma, extracting the meaning for your  highest good. Clear and release stagnant energy in your four body systems. 

Transform your environment, anywhere you go from moment to moment is part of your environment. Your environment is your home, workspace, car, community, shopping. and most importantly your internal environment.


Transcend time and space, clear old karmic patterns affecting you in this life time, heal past self and connect to future self. work with in the speed of light realm.


Alchemize Create from the place of exponential love, be the designer of your life and experiences. Be the life giving creator you are. reignite harness your personal power moving in to the realm of ease and grace the place of lease resistance as a result you accelerate time


This 8 week Journey is full of activations deep immersion and connection with St Germaine. Using daily the Violet Flame/Violet light/Violet Fire /Violet Flame you will begin to embody the violet flame and enter into a higher level of love and light being able to hold greater capacities of light and emit more light. You will become a deliberate creator of your  life experiences, you will learn and acquire the tools needed to help you navigate through challenges with the least amount of resistants. The Violet Flame is an absolute unparrelled technology, an  unbounded tool and way of life.

Journeys are on rotation every five weeks. No two journeys are ever the same. you are encourage to become an enthusiastic learner and revisit the 8 week Journey. Because, you will elevate to highest, opening up and enhancing your divine abilities on a beautiful natural progression.

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Wednesday evenings 7:30p.m.


Sunday mornings 9:30a.m. (new Class time)

Sunday Evenings 7:30pm 


All Journeys are via Zoom 

Inquire about 8 and 16 week 1;1 Journeys.

Thank you Rev. Carla

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