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Aloha, Welcome to

The 8 week Violet Flame Journey 

In this workshop, you will  learn how to use the

Violet Flame of Freedom Transmutation & Alchemy

St. Germaine

You will also learn how to deepen your relationship with St. Germaine,


Your "I  AM" ='s GOD within me is"  while deepening your spiritual or religious practiceThe Violet Flame or Violet Fire is one of the most powerful tools given to humanity, by the Holy Spirit anyone has the ability to access this amazingly wonderful gift. As you learn to use the VF and it becomes a way of life you will pick up much momentum, and the VF will become increasingly stronger and stronger.


Five Simple Benefits.

  1. Raise your energy vibration.

  2. Transmute Negativity into positivity. 

  3. Clear your past Karmic Debit, make it easier to move thru lesson,  

  4. Ignite and awaken to the power of the spoken worked and Truly become the deliberate creator and prophet over your life.

  5. Assist humanity in its evolution. 


Who is this for?

  1. Anyone â€‹â€‹


A New Journey opens Every Four Weeks. Should you feel called to take the journey and your missed registration or the Workshop is Full please fill out the contact form located on home page "home" page, in message type in "Waitlist VF" and you will receive email notification of the next journey






Please Refer to Disclaimer Page as well 


This practice does not replace medical treatment or any other treatments, you are in control of yourself and your life. By choosing to partake in this Journey you are acknowledging and using your free will. You are responsible for your life and outcomes. No else but you! Although anyone can learn you must be 18 years of age. If you are registering for this workshop you are acknowledging you are18 years of age and over.



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