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A Special Gift of Gratitude and Love from me to you!
This Holiday Season.

Unleash Your Best

You are cordrally invite to take a journey into your Akashic Records. Where you will learn about your personality why you have made the choices you have made in this current life time and the lesson you signed up to experience. You will have the oportunity to heal and transform past karma patterns so they no longer have an effect on you in this now life or in future reincarnations.


 Most profoundly Rev. Carla  a full body channel.  Impactfully she channels the records and  brings you on a journey inside providing a way for you to connect, transmute, transform, heal and retrieve the knowlege you need to know that will assist you in fulfilling your lifes mission, while igniting new awareness and unlocking your best you.   This is an experince like no other.  And  it is a beautiful gift  to give yourself and for Rev Carla  to offer to you. She loves you and is honored to take you of the Magical Miraculous Journey. 


If you are not clear of what the Akashic Records are here is brief share. They are sacred recordings of you, of your personal life's actions, deeds, and experinces collected and stored over life-times of all the many lives lived. They are the Living Library of YOUR souls journey. 


All My Love Rev. Carla Gitto.



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