Emerald Lotus Crystal Healing Sanctuary & Spiritual Growth Academy
St. Germaine, The Violet Flame and more. Rev. CarLa Gitto

Welcome to your free Violet Flame Master Class
Thank you, for coming to the Angelic Alliance event,I am honored to invite you on an extradinary Journey.
On Friday October 4th at 7:30pm you are invited to attend a two hour (2) introductory master class to learn more about St Germaine and the Violet Flame. A beautiful and powerful gift given to us by Holy Spirit, Creator, Source God, All that is.
You will learn how to transmute and transform your daily life, freeing it of negativity, heal trauma feelings from the past. You will aquire tools you can use in your daily life to assist you and those around you in the most subtle and profound ways. Most importantly you will grow, open your heart light, and live in balance and love. Consistently minimizing the up and down cycles often lived. You will develop an even deeper relationship with youself, and those around you. In addition, you will create an unfathomable relationship with St Germaine, The Violet Flame, Mother Mary, Jesus,The Ascend Masters, Angels, and more. We shall leave the rest open to spirit, meeting you where your are at in this brief and powerfull Master Class.
I look forward to our experience together. See you soon! Click the book now button below to reserve your spot to the master class.
Also, please scroll down to for to explore more goodies.
ALL my Love in Always Rev. Carla Gitto
If you feel the call just as you felt called to attend and would like to follow up on your reading please feel free to reach out.
Below you will see a list of Angelic Alliance Members.
With love, light and blessings.
Claim your
10% off Angelic Gift
By using code: Angelic Alliance, upon contact.
***Please note: Each Member offers thier services independtly.***

Lisa Imperato-Murillo
(646) 302 3404
Lori Carragher
(631) 897 - 6544
Lillian Budnik
(631) 987 - 0711
Christine Kenahan
(631) 634 - 7681
Deirdre Ferguson
(917) 374 - 3978